

Flexibled and Fast Ordering
※ 所有客戶均可無償得到公司產品樣本,供您了解產品性能并進行滿意選擇。
All customers have the access to samples of our company free of charge,which familiarizes you with their performances and providing you satisfying choices.
※ 所有客戶均可用電話、電傳訂貨,特殊產品訂貨的客戶,可在最短時間內按您的要求,提供Auto CAD設計繪制的外觀及結構圖樣,供您確認或提出改進意見。
All customers can order by telephone or fax.Customers who order special commodities are provided as requested in the shortest time with appearance and framework samples designed and drawn by Auto CAD for your confirmation and suggestions on improvement.


Timely Sales services
※ 公司以最佳的包裝及運輸方式送貨上門,安放到位。
Our company will get commodities properly fixed and delivered to your door in the best packing and delivering ways.
※ 公司設有專業人員到客戶現場安裝、調整產品。
Our company will have specialists fix and adjust our products on the users' spots


Post-sale Service of Life-long Guarantee
※ 因產品本身缺陷,公司隨時調換新品或修理。
Our company will change or repair the products at your disposal if they are defective in themselves.
※ 凡是用公司產品的客戶,不論您使用多久,公司負責翻新,酌情收取翻修費及運費。

No matter how long your have used our products,our company will take the responsibility to renew them and charge reasonably for restoration and delivery.
※ 所有客戶在選購產品時,都將得到一份服務保修卡。
Every customer will be given aguarantee of service when they are purchasing our products.


Regular and serious revisiting system
※ 客戶永遠是上帝,永遠是公司的朋友。
Forever,customers are Gods and friends of our company.
※ 通過對客戶邀請與回訪,更加理解客戶的心愿。
Better would our company understand the wishes of customers through invitations and return visits.
※ 客戶的滿意就是公司的利益。
The customers' satisfactions are the profits of our company.


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上海巧質家具有限公司 電 話:021-52277778
傳 真:021-52277778 E-mail:of766@163.com 滬ICP備16027819號
地址:上海市奉賢區奉永路388號 網站制作:上聯網絡
上海巧質辦公家具   滬公網安備 31011202004625號


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